Propaganda política dá lucro!!!

Propaganda política dá lucro!!! (2002, 2004, 2008 e 2010)

Diversas cidades

Santinho impresso em tipografia, distribuído em locais públicos e afixado em bares, padarias, orelhões, murais etc., em variados locais e/ou por diferentes pessoas, em período paralelo ao de campanha eleitoral.

Para difundir:
>Panfletagem eletrônica
(clique com o botão direito, salve a imagem no seu computador e envie por email para todas as pessoas que você quiser e/ou compartilhe nas redes sociais)

>Faça download deste panfleto em PDF
(clique com o botão direito, salve o pdf no seu computador.
depois é só imprimir, xerocar e distribuir)


Political advertising pays off!!! (2002, 2004, 2008 and 2010)

Several cities

Small leaflets, printed in typography press, handed out in public places and posted in bars, bakeries, on public phones, murals etc. in various locations and/or by different people, during electoral campaign period.


Take advantage of the fact that 2002 is an election year and make money becoming a free-lance advertising executive in one week.

Prick Training Course

Subject matters: *The theater of the absurd *How to win an argument without being necessarily right *Make-up and costume (The seduction of ties and business suits) *Painting of the facade as an ethic principle (The supremacy of packaging over content) *Strategies for tax evasion and overpayment of budgets (with a 30-year-practice professional politician) *How to manipulate data in your own benefit (with a Brazilian TV Network representative).

Free course. You only have to pay for the book!

Information: 0800-00xx